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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Memoirs of a Server

Ok people, listen up!!  I've been in the service industry (otherwise known as: waiting tables) for almost 6 years and I know that's not TON of experience but it's enough to know that I don't want to do it for the rest of my life.

Thanks to a server friend of mine, I got my first restaurant job as a hostess at a small, privately owned steak house close to home. The staff was great, sometimes whiny, but fun to work with. The owner was a creepo, when he was around... which was hardly ever because he was too busy blowing his investor's money on limos, women and drugs. I was fascinated with the workings and drama of the restaurant business, probably because it was really my first group of friends outside of church but mostly because it was... well... fascinating!!

Eventually, after seeing my server friends walk out with $100+ every night, my measly little $400 paycheck (every TWO weeks) didn't seem like a lot of money anymore. Just in time for the holiday season I was trained, still afraid to carry a try, but ready to make big money! And that was the start of my serving career.

Since then I've worked at 5 different restaurants of all kinds. A huge restaurant in Wrightsville Beach(quite the tourist attraction for whatever reason)  where I sold tons Mahi Mahi, Crab Cakes and fried Seafood Platters.We had 4 table sections, a 45min table turn-time, and a loud, hott kitchen with a bunch of severely trouble line cooks who sacrificed the quality of the food for quantity. I've worked at a family owned pub that had great food, horrible management and annoying "regulars" who got drunk on a daily basis. More recently I've worked lunch at a taproom who's overpriced burgers turned harmless lunch goers into horrible tippers and for a short time I waited tables at a so-called Italian restaurant. If I ever hear the word Andiamo again, I just might cry.

I have finally settled down at a notable steak house where I "tend bar" (that one's for you Carly Jo). It's the easiest Restaurant I've ever worked at. Great steaks, great atmosphere, 3 or 4 course dinners and very little sidework. I LOVE it there, most of the time :-) You would think that a FINE DINING establishment where the dress is business casual and dinner starts at $50-$75 per person would attract a different type of clientele than, say Chili's (our neighbor across the street). And it does! But much to our surprise we see a wiiiiiiiide variety of guests walk through our doors. From business men at a dinner meeting and couples dressed up to celebrate their anniversaries to baggy jeans with a white tee and Cargo shorts with flip flops. Of course all kinds are welcomed to dine, no one is ever turned away, but it does make for a lot of funny, intriguing, crazy, unbelievable stories!!!

I am excited to finally have a way and an audience (other than my mom) to share my stories and the things I've learned over time. As frustrating as this occupation can be (believe me I've had my share of meltdowns), at the end of the day you can't change people or the way they behave at your table, so why not laugh.

Come along for the ride.

These are Memoirs of a Server.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Looky Here!

My very first blogg post! How exciting... for me, not necessarily for you. And I'm sorry if it's ugly. I'm trying, ok!!

I use to blogg a lot via Myspace and Xanga, but after a VERY traumatising blogging experience (an experience that produces psychological injury or pain), I had to give up the habit for a while. BUT I'M BACK IN ACTION.

A readers digest version of my current life and things I feel you should know:

  • I'm STILL a student (trying to make my way through Introductory Algebra so that I may carry on with my higher edumication)
  • Living in la casita de madre y padre. (It's rent free people!)
  • I work at a well-known steak house (Building a "growing, profitable restaurant business in which the highest standards of quality, value and hospitality are expressed") Insert shout-out to my fellow RCSH-Durham slaves! Whut Whuuut!! 
  • Currently single (but not on the market)
  • My baby sister (also referred to as Fran, Francine, Googie or Jordan) is in the Marine Corps and stationed in Japan. We miss her.
  • I'm a huge fan of one of the worst teams in the NFL, the CAROLINA PANTHERS! (I proudly wear my jerseys in public and even to church)
  • I like to work out (when I feel like it)
  • Aaaand I'm going on my first CRUISE at the end of this month. (10 days, to the Bahamas, with the beautiful Makayla Mclaughlin and we're totally excited!)
I'm sure there's more I could come up with but it's 1 o'clock AM and, lets be real, I'm tired and you're not even going to read this!  So thank you to all my "friends" for not caring about me enough to be interested in my life.

Just Kidding.
But Seriously.